Looking the part

Does it really matter how you dress for an interview these days when most of us like to dress casually whenever we can?

From my experience with a wide range of employers the answer is yes it does matter how you present yourself. You really do have to look the part.

Many employers make a decision about a candidate within the first three minutes of them entering the room so make sure you are looking the part. This simply means that you need to appear to be suited to a particular type of work.

How do you know what the dress code is? Well, if it is not stated in the advert you could contact the employer or recruitment agency and ask. This shows initiative so make sure you leave your name when you call.

The nature of the job itself should give you some clues as to what is required. It is a pretty good bet that an office based job or a supervisory position will require you to dress smartly at interview. By smart I mean a shirt and trousers or a smart skirt at the very least.

Regardless of the job it is wise to dress as smartly as you can for ANY interview. This shows:

  • respect for the employer
  • that you care about your image and presentation
  • you have made an effort to impress

Whatever you do make sure you do your homework and find out what is expected of you. If you look the part and you are half way there.

If you turn up for interview in jeans and a tee shirt and the interviewers are all formally dressed it is unlikely that a brilliant interview will be enough to get you the job.

Many employers will appoint people who they think will “fit in” with their way of doing things. Meeting their dress code gives you a better chance of being hired than those who don’t.

That is why looking the part is so important.